Friday, February 01, 2013

Moving on … to Sacramento

It's time for a change. On several levels.

Last time, I shared about my relationship with SaraJean. We still keep in touch, but … I wanted to share one final video about her. We were at an Asian buffet, and they served snails. (I.e., escargo-ish.) We both tried the snails, filming each other's reaction.

It's a fun video. But what I like best is that it reminds me of after. We were driving home, and we were running a bit late. That happened often, which is funny to me since SaraJean didn't mind being late as much as I, but her schedule was always why we needed to get somewhere by a certain time. I guess I felt selfish making her later just to spend time with her.

Anyway, we were running late, but we started talking about the "Chinese fire drill." That's where, at a stop light, everyone gets out of the car and switches seats. (It's a terrible name, I know.) I didn't feel it was very nice to do the drill at a real stop light, so I pulled into a parking lot and we ran around my car there. There was a little more to it, but anyway, it was a happy, spontaneous moment for us.

So this blog may be changing. I'll still talk about personal, fun stuff. Here's one: Over Christmas in Sacramento, I went to a gingerbread-house competition. It was epic!

As you can see, these weren't normal gingerbread houses. My team worked on the one in the bottom-right (it's a mountain covered in snow). The one in the bottom-left was the winner. It may not look like much, but it actually tells the biblical story of the 10 Plagues of Egypt.

This blog will also continue to talk about personal, more-serious stuff. Below is the cover of my 2012 Christmas card. It included an honest reflection of my past year.

If anyone didn't receive the card, you can contact me. I can send you a PDF version, and I still have one or two physical cards left. If you want one of the latter, let me know by leaving a comment at the end of this post, and I'll mail one to you.

Also on a personal note, I will be moving to Sacramento soon. As in tomorrow. =) Actually, this wasn't a rush move, as I've spent the past month letting people know and saying goodbye. Yet it still hasn't sunk in. I suppose as I'm packing my car and driving away for the last time, it'll hit me. So be it.

What will I do in Sac? I'm moving back home with my mom and grandma. I don't have a job lined up yet, but I'll be looking for work in computer programming. That will include both freelance work and making my own "apps."

Talking about work will be a new thing for this blog. I really don't see why life can't be more integrated, and this blog is supposed to be about the important things in my entire life. So I'll be mentioning things I'm working on. Here's a teaser:

Lastly, this blog may continue to throw in some reflection/philosophy. I'm wary of preaching/moralizing, so feel free to push back. Let's end with some questions I won't try to answer here. =)
Imagine a messed-up person. However you would define it, imagine that, plus more. Maybe they killed someone, or several people. Maybe they're a pervert. Maybe they're addicted to heroin and lie and steal to get what they need. Maybe they believe deeply in something that you think is ridiculous.
Now imagine you could love that person. Imagine you could love that person, as they are, while they are still messed up. Would that be good? Or would it be better to not love that person, until they are less messed-up?
What would you loving a messed-up person look like?  
What would you not loving a messed-up person look like?
Have you ever thought you were loving someone, when really you weren't?
Have you ever thought you weren't loving someone, when really you were?


SJ said...

Did you realize you have all girls on the front of your Christmas card? (well Julie is just her hair)

Geoff Hom said...

Yeah, I noticed that, too. Except I didn't think about Julie's hair also being from a girl. The inside is Mom, Mary and I, so that's just adding me plus more girls. What can I say? I like girls. I mean, I'm living with two girls right now. =)