I needed a ride to Michelle's place and to church. One of the small group leaders, Jon (see pic), offered to give me a ride--on his motorcycle! That's the first time I've ever been on one, and it was pretty exhilarating. I was wearing a helmet, and Jon rode very safely. Nevertheless, I was keenly aware of how easily I might die or be seriously injured. On the flip side, in a car I perhaps take that fragility for granted. But since the car gives a little more protection, I won't be buying my own motorcycle soon. The motorcycle did remind me of a waverunner, and now I can't wait to try the latter again! :-)
Dinner was tasty and lots of fun. I hope to tell more about all the people in my small group, but that'll evolve over time as we get to know each other. For now, it must suffice to say that a lot of the fun involved brownies . . . but I don't mean Berkeley-style brownies! (For shame!) After dinner, I got a ride to church from another guy, Pete, I guess because it seemed a little easier.
The Maundy Thursday service was dimly lit, as might be expected. In the front, there were 12 candles, representing Jesus' life. Throughout the service, a man read the story of the Last Supper up to Jesus' death, and the choir or the whole church would sing hymns. Every so often someone would extinguish one of the candles. I didn't have a very good view of the candles, but I still felt pretty sad as each of the last ones was extinguished. (The candles represent Jesus' life.) But it was a weird sadness; I think part of me was sad about not feeling as sad or connected as I felt I should have. Anyway, I did enjoy the service and I am glad I went. I hear it's different every year, so I will hopefully go to a Maundy Thursday service again next year.
After service, Jon offered to host ice cream at his place. I think Pete went to hang out with his family, so I got a ride from Jess, who is also in small group. At Jon's, we had fun talking about haircutting and stuff. I inadvertently coined a new phrase, that the full moon makes us sleepy. (I misheard "loopy.")
In the end, I got a ride back to the U. from Gretchen (also in small group), because Jess had left earlier. Then I biked home. It occurred to me that I had gotten rides from a different small-group person for each leg of my trip: Jon, Pete, Jess, and Gretchen! I found that amusing. I realize I'm also really lucky to have met them, especially since I've only been here three weeks.
Easter Sunday, I plan to visit Don's church and meet his family! I've also been meeting a lot of people who seem to know someone who has lupus. I guess that's expected, since I mention lupus to almost everyone I meet (if they ask what my job is).
It is a full moon out, and I am getting sleepy. Happy Holy Week! (I also heard it's the Cambodian New Year!)
1 comment:
hey, i'm glad you got to have a cool Maundy Thursday, rich with remembrance and relationship. the way it should be.=) We did a Maundy Thursday Passover meal in my homegroup yesterday. Always good stuff, eh! Sounds like you've got nice, hospitable ppl in that Bible study--cool again! yeah yeah--you don't get to see J.Piper, we all 'round TynH do in the meantime (in fact, I just chatted briefly with him 'round the corner). anyway, wow, i had no idea God was answering my prayers for you _this_ much, but yeahhhhh God!!
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