Saturday, August 16, 2008

My first full week in Seattle

Well, I made it through the first week! My goal was to work a solid 40+ hours on programming, as opposed to 40+ hours of movies, video games, napping, etc. I did okay. My cousin Jason and I have been watching a lot of the Olympics, which I've really enjoyed. And on Friday I took a 4-hour nap, so that wasn't so good. It has been really hot here, and it is more humid than I'm used to. (Friday was a high of 90°F, compared to an average high of 74°F, I think.)

I did a little programming--80 lines--but I'm expecting to go slow at first, because I have so much to learn. I'll talk about my programming more after I've finished more.

Overall, I have been trying to keep a simple life here. I haven't driven my car since I arrived. At the same time, I've gotten to see most of my relatives up here. I was especially happy to see Baby Jubilee ("Little Jujube"). I added her blog to my links (sidebar, under "Other Blogs").

I should have some Seattle photos eventually. If anyone has any requests, please let me know. Here is a photo of my old landlord in SF, Terence. He's playing Wii Fit for the first time. :-) I lived with Terence and his family for two years; it sure went by fast!


Anonymous said...

Interesting topics could give you more visitors to your site. So Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

my feed reader spies techer activity! hey, Geoff. :)

Geoff Hom said...

Kevin . . . can you be more specific? Kevin Ko? Kevin Bartz? And there was an earlier Kevin . . . Kevin Tseng, I think. Any way, send me an e-mail at geoffhom@gmail. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Geoff,

Good to see you're blogging again! As always, I look forward to hearing all about your adventures in Seattle! Best of luck learning about programming... a simple, clean environment (with a large whiteboard) has always served me well. :)