Sunday, February 02, 2014

May: Grandma on the Porch, Relaxing

Oh my. I've been a hypocrite again. I said I would update more again, and I didn't. Sorry.

Let's try something new. I usually take my time writing–and rewriting–what I say in my blog, and what photos I show or don't show. Overall, quality beats quantity most times. We remember quality. Quality lasts. (Digression: In prototyping, apparently quantity can be more productive. Especially being forced to make multiple prototypes in parallel to come up with new ideas. I learned that in a Coursera course on design.)

Anyway, I'm going to try more stream-of-consciousness for a few posts to try to catch up. Besides, that will show you another side to me.

We left off in May 2013.

From Grandma, porch
I took this photo of Grandma on our back porch. She's looking at a map of Africa, because that's where Mary was (or was going?).

So inquisitive.


From Relaxing

Mary took this photo of me in our living room. I was just relaxing in my jammies. So sneaky, sis! But actually, it's a good representation of how I am sometimes.

And that red-and-black-checkered shirt? My dad used to wear one like that.

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