Sunday, December 21, 2008

More snow! More snow! More snow!

So last time I thought it had snowed an inch or more. This time it was more like six inches!

Compare this picture to one from last time. See how the street is now invisible?

The snow was nice and crunchy. It had a very thin icy layer on top, which made it fun to walk on. It reminded me of several foods: the crunchy top layer of a custard mochi if it is cooked long enough, creme brulee, some meringue, and marshmallows cooked on a campfire. Tasty.

I was so excited by all the snow that I kept listening for the person in our building who shovels the snow. When I heard him, I ran outside and asked if I could do it! He let me shovel the entire walkway, which was totally fun (and a good workout) for me. Someone should make a Wii game like that: "Wii House Chores."

Sunday, a couple from church had their wedding! My Uncle Paul and company went. Thankfully, everyone was okay.

From More snow!
There has been so much snow that, only a few hours ago, a big branch from one of our pine trees broke under the weight. For scale, you can see a 4-door car on the right side of the picture! Thankfully, no one had parked directly under the tree.

I know the snow must eventually melt, and I am not looking forward to that. It seems like everything will get muddy, dirty, and wet.

But wouldn't that be a good Hemingway title? "The Snow Also Melts." It would be a total chick-flick.

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